It’s a program,
not an appointment.

Meno-Start™ is a wellness practice solely focused on women during their perimenopause and menopause journeys. We offer a unique blend of ongoing and in-depth consultation, medicine, fitness, and nutrition that treats the whole woman — not just symptoms.

How it Works

Clients enroll for customized care that suits their individual needs, with the goal of managing their wellness plan independently. Meno-Start™ is a direct-pay subscription model and not billed through health insurance.

For more information on pricing, plans, and service offerings, visit our pricing page.

What’s Included

  • ● An initial 60-minute, in-depth consultation with Dr. Shannon Cothran

    ● A personal menopause success plan

    ● Access to four, 30-minute follow-up appointments during your 9 months of membership

    ● An additional 45-minute, in-depth consultation with Dr. Cothran after onboarding to support the independent following of your care plan

    ● Responsive consultation for questions, care monitoring, and client concerns as needed

  • ● Comprehensive medical care to address potential needs, including metabolism issues, mental health, brain fog, sexual health, hot flashes/night sweats, sleep issues, hormone treatments, and nutrition and fitness assessment and planning

    ● Prescriptions and expert guidance and support on utilizing any pharmaceutical, hormone replacement, or other recommended medical solution

    ● Referrals to other qualified medical professionals as needed

  • ● An in-depth fitness and nutrition assessment and customized wellness plan

    ● Individual and small group training sessions with Dulaney Washington, a master fitness trainer and nutritionist

  • “I just couldn’t believe there weren’t trusted sources I could go to when my symptoms started, but there weren’t. Sure, there’s HRT, but it’s not that simple. What I needed was a conversation. Someone who could see the whole picture and tell me what to expect.”

    Meno-Start™ Patient

  • “I was very excited to have someone who looked so closely at everything I was doing and how it was affecting me as a woman…I had a huge amount of relief to have someone that just had the time.”

    Meno-Start™ Patient

  • “I was relieved more than anything because I finally knew what was going on. For a while, I was actually pretty angry with my GP that it had gotten to this point. [Now] I have so much more energy. I’m just happier. I am tearing up just thinking about it.” 

    Meno-Start™ Patient

Start your journey with us.