Letter from Dr. Shannon Cothran: Why I Chose to Focus on Menopause Care

When I started Meno-Start, I knew I was leaving behind some beloved aspects of my GYN practice. I had spent years helping women navigate their fertility challenges, manage hormonal changes, choose the right birth control, and, yes, even deliver babies. Those were special moments that shaped my career and connection with my patients. But when it came time to shift my focus to menopause care, the decision was easy.

Why? Because menopause is a profound journey, one that too often gets overlooked or brushed aside in the rush of modern medicine. The transition to and through menopause can be complex, filled with hidden challenges and questions that deserve careful attention. Yet, too often, the time simply isn’t there for doctors to provide that level of focus. That’s why I founded Meno-Start—to create a space where women and their communities could receive focused, ongoing care tailored to this transformative stage of life.

Much like adolescence ushers in menstruation, menopause marks the beginning of a new phase of vitality for cis-gender women. Yet, instead of treating menopause as a decline, we see it as an opportunity for renewal—a time to feel empowered and well-supported. Our mission is to make that experience better for you by listening closely to your needs and taking the time to understand the root causes of discomfort.

At Meno-Start, we combine compassionate care with cutting-edge research. By staying current with the latest studies and findings, we’re able to offer solutions that are research-backed and effective for most women. Whether it's hormone therapy, lifestyle adjustments, or personalized fitness programs, we aim to equip you with the knowledge and support you need to thrive during this chapter of life.

It is truly an honor and privilege to serve women in this way. I’m continually inspired by the strength and resilience I see in our clients, and I am committed to walking alongside you on this journey to well-being. Together, we’ll navigate this new stage of life with confidence, health, and optimism.

With warmest regards,

Dr. Cothran
Founder of Meno-Start

Schedule your free tour and meet Dr. Cothran.


The Ultimate Credentials for Menopause Care: What to Look For


Menopause and Fitness: 6 Key Steps to Choose the Right Coach for You