Introducing Coach Dulany Washington, Co-Founder of Meno-Start: The Menopause Fitness Guru

I had the pleasure of sitting down with Coach Dulany Washington, and I couldn’t help but be impressed by his career arc. From serving in the Navy to becoming a certified personal trainer with over 20 years of experience, “Coach D” has carved out a niche in helping real women find real solutions during their perimenopause and menopause journeys. His passion for fitness and wellness, combined with his dedication to addressing the unique needs of his clients, highlights his commitment to making a difference in the lives of women going through these significant life changes. Read our interview to learn more about Meno-Start’s fitness and nutrition guru.


Welcome, Coach Dulany Washington, to the Meno-Start blog! You started your career in the Navy, correct?

Yes, that is correct.

How did you transition from the Navy to personal fitness?

I’ve always had fitness in my life, whether it was country life, playing sports, or working out. After the Navy, I became an Environmental, Safety, and Health (ES&H) manager for 20 years, during which I became certified in leadership training, OSHA, and DOT safety. However, I was looking for the next challenge—something I was passionate about and would do even if I wasn’t paid. That led me to the fitness industry.

When did you decide to make it a career and pursue certifications like Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) and Performance Enhancement Specialization (PES)?

I left my ES&H career in 2007 and received my CPT certification from the National Academy of Sports Medicine. Since then, I’ve also become certified in nutrition (specifically strategies for women), metabolics, stretching techniques, and sports (PES). I’m currently completing my wellness certification. I’ve also coached youth basketball for 30 years in Prince William and Fauquier counties. My most satisfying fitness accomplishment was helping my wife lose 100 pounds. I’ve also trained my nephew, who plays basketball professionally overseas, and my son, who played college football and is also a certified personal trainer.

I bet the Navy’s Physical Readiness Test (PRT) requirements trained you well for those certifications! What did you learn in the Navy that translates to fitness training in the civilian world?

I learned from my parents and the Navy that nothing in life comes easy—it takes dedication, commitment, and perseverance. Also, there’s nothing wrong with falling down; just get up, dust yourself off, and stay focused on the objective.

Medical and fitness are huge parts of what makes the Meno-Start approach successful for clients. How did you meet Dr. Shannon Cothran?

I met Dr. Cothran through personal training about 10 years ago when she joined Lifetime Fitness. We immediately hit it off as we talked about family, health, and helping others. A few years into our partnership, we joked about writing a book together that would address women’s health. Though we joked about working together, we started getting serious in the last two years.

Funny how that joke became a reality! Meno-Start focuses on women during their perimenopause and menopause journeys. Can you help women understand how your professional background supports them in these stages?

Ninety percent of my clients are in this demographic, and I witnessed what my wife went through. While I can’t physically know their experience, I have sympathy for it. Over the past 20 years as a personal trainer, I’ve trained various populations, including those in weight loss programs, and seen the frustration when results are slow. There are times when the body’s internal balance is off due to stress, lack of sleep, slow metabolism, or menopause. I delve deeper into the situation to find solutions rather than accept the status quo.

Is slow metabolism the reason why weight gain a common symptom of menopause?

Yes! During menopause, estrogen levels decrease, testosterone increases, and fat redistributes to the waist. These hormonal changes also affect metabolism, and your body doesn’t burn calories or fat at the same rate.

I saw that the Meno-Start fitness studio has modern equipment to address body composition changes like weight gain. Can you tell us about it?

When clients come in for training, I have them start with floor stretching or exercises on cushioned mats. I like to play upbeat music, like Janet Jackson, Flo Rida, and Bruno Mars, to make the workout enjoyable. Our equipment includes a programmable treadmill, an elliptical with a boxing workout, a MET workout designed for strength, a universal cable machine, kettlebells, dumbbells, stability balls, bands, an adjustable bench, a back extension machine, a plyometric box, and medicine balls.

Dr. Shannon Cothran says each woman’s menopause journey is unique. Do you customize their fitness regimens?

Yes. I initially sit down with each person to determine their goals, then assess how their body moves, checking for anomalies and incorporating corrective measures. We do a body analysis (weight, body fat, muscle, BMI) and track progress over time. Typically, I reassess after four weeks, then again in two to four weeks, depending on the circumstances.

Your program is more than just fitness. You also provide nutritional guidance. Can you tell the Northern Virginia community about that?

I have clients keep a diary of everything they consume, including supplements, eating times, sleep habits, and moods. This helps identify factors that could affect fitness and health. After a week of tracking, we sit down to create a plan for changes, where necessary. It’s important that we both agree to the plan since it’s theirs, and I’m here to assist.

Can women visit the Meno-Start fitness studio in McLean and receive a free tour?

We welcome anyone to visit. They’ll get to meet Dr. Cothran, and I’ll demonstrate the equipment. We can also briefly discuss their fitness journey and how we can partner together.

And for women interested in signing up for your fitness and nutrition program, how can they reach you?

I can be reached through the Meno-Start website by filling out the information on the “Get Started” page, or by calling (571) 297-4200.

We salute you, Coach D! Thanks for your time today!

Thank you for the opportunity!

Schedule your free tour and meet Coach Dulany.



Renier is a professional marketing consultant from Fairfax, Virginia. He is passionate about promoting the health and wellness space.


What This Virginia-Based Menopause Doctor Wants Every Woman to Know About Perimenopause and Menopause


Introducing Dr. Shannon Cothran, Founder of Meno-Start: A Pioneer in Personalized Menopause Care